
There is a lot to consider before the big day arrives. The first order of business is to make arrangements with the officiant. Once that's taken care of we'll need to organize the wedding ceremony, and after that our family and friends will receive the official invitations so that they can keep that day clear for us in their calendars.

Exciting times for us!

Wedding Rings and Gown

Only recently, we went to a jeweler together and had a first look at the available wedding bands. The selection turned out to be enormous! We settled on a plain yet elegant design that will always remind us of this special day in our lives.

A woman faces a difficult choice when it comes to selecting the dress for the most wonderful day of her life. How much lace does she want, should it be white or colorful, short or long, bare-shouldered or covered?

Alas, we can't tell you what dress Sarah is going to wear until the wedding day itself!


Of course we've also given careful consideration to the reception after the wedding ceremony, and we've decided not to give away too many details at this point – we want to surprise our guests!

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